
“Give a man a fish today and he’ll line up for a free fish tomorrow” ~~~ G. Davis

March 31, 2010

Global Wind Crisis?

December 7, 2009

I think many fewer scientists and “here to helpya’s” made many fewer million$ when it was fake global cooling than it is now with fake global warming.

I’m guessing that the next one will be the “global wind crisis” and we’ll all have to eat “Beano” with every meal.



Many of you are too young to remember, but in 1975 our government pushed “the coming ice age.”

Random House dutifully printed “THE WEATHER CONSPIRACY … coming of the New Ice Age.” This may be the only book ever written by 18 authors. All 18 lived just a short sled ride from Washington, D.C. Newsweek fell in line and did a cover issue warning us of global cooling on April 28, 1975. And The New York Times, Aug. 14, 1976, reported “many signs that Earth may be headed for another ice age.”……………………<CLICK LINK FOR THE REST OF THE FORBES.COM ARTICLE>  http://www.forbes.com/2009/12/03/climate-science-gore-intelligent-technology-sutton.html


I have SAVED the Polar Bears

December 5, 2009

Given the logic of the day, I’m announcing that I “created or saved” a few hundred polar bears today by choosing not to go hunting. I hope the ones that were killed this year feel pretty good about that.

As an American, when someone reports that they have “created or saved” something, you just are to praise them.   Polar bears, jobs, whatever.   Just say thank you, bow and move on.


Strangely Proud of Our Ignorance

December 5, 2009

There seems to be a new phenomenon….or at least new to me.

When you ask someone for details about WHY something is happening, they are proud to not know.  Here’s a bit of Q+A I’ve had recently:

QUESTION:  So this Cap and Trade thing.  If it is a good idea, please explain why you believe it is?

ANSWER:  Oh come on.  That stuff is so complicated that no one understand it.

QUESTION:  Please tell me why you think President Obama is doing a good job

ANSWER:  There is so much about politics that we just aren’t supposed to understand.  Given all he has to deal with, I am sure he’s doing the right things.

QUESTION:  Why is it that you believe the earth is heating when many scientists are saying just the opposite?

ANSWER:  Well, scientists will say whatever they’re told to say.  It’s all very complicated and I just want to do my part to help.

It seems as though those of us that seek to find the underlying truths are being seen as “disloyal“.  “It is all very complicated so just listen to those in power and do what they say.  If you don’t or if you question it, you are stirring the pot.”

Weird, huh?


Dr. Suess had it right…Brilliant

December 5, 2009

It seems to me that the best “truisms” are the simplest.

To that point, I quote one of my favorites:

Theodor Seuss Geisel March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991) AKA Dr. Seuss

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Dr. Seuss

Brilliant!  Of all the quotes in the world worth quoting, this one says it all.  Your opinion, your style, your tone, your choice of words, your timing….all of these things will, at one point or another, offend someone.

Dr. Seuss’ simple words tell us that it is perfectly okay to be ourselves.  he tells us that the people that CHOOSE to become offended at our being ourselves just are not that important and, at the same time, those that ARE important will understand and accept us as we are.



Green means go…and burn electricity in Phoenix

December 5, 2009

The city of Phoenix is having a “Fiesta of Light Electric Light Parade” and they report that they are “going green”…..hmmmnnn

Apparently in Phoenix, going green means burning electricity in a parade.

While the concept of the parade is certainly well-meaning (it supports a Phoenix-based Food Bank), I think the concept of going “green” is lost on the founders and city officials.

Here’s a link to the event:  http://phoenix.gov/PARKS/fiparade.html